
The perfect assistant movie trailer
The perfect assistant movie trailer

He starts to drive away, but Tacy runs after him, and the couple blurt out their apologies before returning to their trailer. When Tacy returns to the park, Nick goes to see her, but she greets him coolly. Tewitt encourages him to apologize, but Nick stubbornly blames Tacy for everything.

the perfect assistant movie trailer

Back in the rainy trailer park, Nick tells Tewitt that after he and Tacy drove down the mountain without speaking, he unhooked the car and drove away. After barely surviving their perilous trip, Nick discovers the rocks in the trailer and begins hurling them over the side of the mountain, despite Tacy's screams of protest. The Collinis nervously begin the hair-raising ride up the steep, narrow mountain road. Tacy is loathe to part with the collection of heavy rocks they have acquired as souvenirs during their travels, and without telling Nick, decides instead to distribute them evenly throughout the trailer. As they approach their final destination in Colorado, Nick tells Tacy they must lighten their load before tackling the 8,000-foot ascent. The following day, Nick tells Tacy he has received a cash offer for the trailer, but she refuses to consider selling it. However, Tacy's first attempt to cook an elaborate meal in the trailer while Nick is driving is a messy disaster. They later make up, and Tacy proposes that she simplify their life by starting to prepare their dinner before they stop for the night. One day, Tacy insists on doing the driving, which leads to the couple's first big fight. Nick and Tacy return to the open highway, and soon come to enjoy domestic life in their trailer. After bragging about his driving skills, Nick destroys most of the front yard while trying to back the trailer into the driveway, and the couple depart the next day after returning the check Anastacia gave them for their wedding to cover the damages. The newlyweds then head off to visit Tacy's aunt Anastacia, and Tacy's huge family is waiting to greet them and have a look at the trailer. The following morning, Tacy convinces Nick to leave the noisy trailer park and set up camp in the woods, but the trailer gets stuck on the enbankment of a deserted logging road and has to be towed out. Hittaway tells Nick she has given his wife a sleeping pill. Late that night, the neighbors finally leave, and the overbearing Mrs. Eventually they arrive at the Breeze Bay Trailer Park, but as Nick attempts to carry Tacy over the threshold of their trailer, they are beset by meddling neighbors who think that Tacy has injured her ankle. Nick and Tacy get married and leave on their honeymoon, although Nick finds driving with the forty-foot, three-ton trailer nerve-wracking.

the perfect assistant movie trailer

Nick buys a new car and has it modified for hauling a trailer, and the mechanic gives the inexperienced Nick a quick lesson in driving with a trailer. The salesman recommends that they have the trailer professionally moved to Colorado, where a job awaits Nick, but Tacy insists that pulling it themselves would be much more fun.

the perfect assistant movie trailer

Tacy is then dazzled by an enormous, very expensive trailer and persuades Nick to buy it. They attend a trailer show and look at the Bungalette, which turns out to be disappointingly small. Tacy shows Nick a brochure for the fully furnished "Bungalette" model and says a honeymoon in a trailer would be very romantic. Nick describes how the trailer came to blight his life: Two months earlier, in Los Angeles, Nick laughs uproariously when his fiancée Tacy proposes buying a trailer, but she tearfully insists that a trailer would be the only way for them to have their own home while Nick travels on business. Nick urges Tewitt to avoid such a purchase for the sake of his marriage, adding that he has been searching for his own wife for the past three days.

the perfect assistant movie trailer

Tewitt, who is thinking of buying a trailer. In the park manager's office, Nick meets Mr. On a rainy night, Nicholas Carlos Collini arrives at the Laramie Trailer Park in Colorado and pounds on the door of his trailer before noticing the "for sale" sign.

The perfect assistant movie trailer